Important Legal Information
General and its associated sites are owned and operated by Business Property Network (BPN) and are made available on the following terms and conditions. By using the website you accept these terms and conditions, which shall be interpreted according to the laws of England.
Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, database rights and similar rights in all material published on are owned by BPN. You are permitted to print or download extracts from this material for your personal use only. None of this material may be used for any commercial or public use.
No part of or any material appearing on the site may be reproduced, decompiled, reverse-engineered, stored in or transmitted on any other web site or otherwise published without the written permission of BPN. Requests to republish any material may be sent to
Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property rights and other rights, including trademarks, domain names, name and logos, belong to BPN or other third parties. Users and visitors acquire no proprietary interest in any of the service, content, materials or other rights and may not use or reproduce them in any way that infringes the intellectual property rights in them for any reason.
Please note that information regarding any property on and its associated sites constitutes part or all of any contract, and no contract will exist, or be deemed to exist until formal documentation in writing has been completed by both parties.
Prospective tenants must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of any details given to them either verbally, or within this web site, or any other document provided; and neither the owners, nor BPN nor any agent, shall be liable for any inaccuracies.
Although these particulars are thought to be materially correct their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form part of any contract.
BPN does not give any warranty or other assurance as to the operation, quality or functionality of the site. Access to the site may be interrupted, restricted or delayed for any reason. BPN also does not give any warranty or other assurance as to the content of the material appearing on the site, its accuracy, completeness, timelessness or fitness for any particular purpose.
To the full extent permissible by law, BPN disclaims all responsibility for any damages or losses (including, without limitation, financial loss, damages for loss in business projects, loss of profits or other consequential losses) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use the site or any material appearing on, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using or any such material. contains links to external sites. BPN is not responsible for and has no control over the content of such sites. Information on, or available via hypertext link from, is made available without responsibility on the part of BPN. BPN disclaims all responsibility and liability (including for negligence) in relation to information on or accessible from
Asbestos Regulations:
Under the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 (CAW Regulations), the owner or tenant of the property, and anyone else who has control over it and/or responsibility for maintaining or repairing it, may be under statutory obligation to detect and manage any asbestos related compounds contained with the property. Failure to comply with the CAW Regulations is an offence and could adversely affect the value of the property.
The detection of asbestos and asbestos related compounds is beyond the scope of the expertise of Business Property Network and accordingly:
(1) Business Property Network makes no representation as to the presence or otherwise of any asbestos or asbestos related compounds in the property.
(2) Business Property Network strongly recommends that prospective purchasers obtain advice from specialist environmental consultants if they have any concerns about asbestos related issues.
Data Protection
Any personal information supplied by you when you use this website may be used by Business Property Network in connection with the promotion of commercial property but will not be passed onto any third parties without your consent.
Changes to the website
We may at any time make alterations to or to withdraw this website or any part of it.
Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the Laws of England and any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
These terms and conditions are subject to change. Changes will be posted here.